To whom it may concern,
RURS is a celebration of undergraduate research accomplishment at Rice designed to connect students with their communities and put research in context. This year, the 20th Anniversary of RURS will take place on Friday, April 15, 2022. The event provides opportunities for researchers to dialogue with and receive feedback from scholars, professionals, and advocates to develop an understanding of the purpose as well as the quality of research at Rice. Entrants may also opt to be considered for recognition of research merit in addition to receiving qualitative feedback from evaluators.
This year, the event hosts three categories for research presentation.
- Exhibition Sessions (No Mentor Approval Required): students at all levels of research will elect a theme and use visual and oral communication to give a five-minute “lightning talk” that adopts creative mediums to illustrate their research that encapsulates that theme. Attendees will vote for their favorite, with winners announced at the closing reception. Themes include topics like climate, health of the mind & body, justice & dignity, and more!
- Poster Sessions (Mentor Approval Required): provides a platform for sharing research, at any stage, with the broader Rice community in two one-hour sessions. Students need mentor approval to apply, and will be evaluated by attendees for the opportunity to be recognized as a top presenter at the closing reception.
- Shapiro Showcase (Nomination Required): features 10-minute research talks from 16 nominated competitors across the disciplines. One winner will be selected through judge evaluations and announced at the closing reception.
To register, students must respond to a brief questionnaire and submit an abstract for their research by 11:59 PM on Thursday, March 10. Student participants can find the application and further instructions here:
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry in collaboration with the Program for Writing and Communication are hosting workshops to help students prepare for registration:
- Thursday 2/17 (HRZ 210) & Wednesday 2/23 (Farnsworth Pavilion) 4-5pm: The “How to Write an Abstract” workshop supports undergraduate students writing an abstract for the Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium (RURS). During the workshop, students will develop a strong understanding of abstract expectations and begin writing their draft.
- Thursday 3/3 (McMurtry PDR) 4-5pm: In the “Peer Review for Abstracts” workshop, students registering for the Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium (RURS) can participate in a guided peer review session, in which they will revise abstracts for content and style.
For more information, please check the RURS website or email We look forward to celebrating the outstanding and diverse research carried out by Rice undergraduates!
Brittney Espinoza ’22
RURS 2022 Co-Chair
Aman Eujayl ’23
RURS 2022 Co-Chair
Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022
Rice University | April 15, 2022
Brittney Espinoza ’22
RURS 2022 Co-Chair
Aman Eujayl ’23
RURS 2022 Co-Chair
Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022
Rice University | April 15, 2022