We are pleased to announce that applications for the IRIS-HEP
undergraduate Fellows program in Summer 2024 are now open. Selected
IRIS-HEP Fellows will spend several months working with a mentor to
build their skills while working on a research software project relevant
to the Institute.
Who should apply to the Fellows program? – Are you reasonably
comfortable with basic programming through skills acquired (for
example) from coursework or dedicated training activities? Are you
interested in building on those skills to gain experience through
contributions to cutting edge open source research software projects?
Then the IRIS-HEP Fellows program could be for you. Prior physics
knowledge is helpful, but not required. We will also offer dedicated
training activities to help you improve specific software skills.
Applications from women and members of underrepresented groups in
STEM activities are particularly encouraged.
Fellows will receive a training stipend as part of their participation.
This year’s program is open to students associated to US universities,
students of Ukrainian origin and students from Vilnius University.
Applications submitted before Monday, 11 March, 2024 (end of the day, any
time zone) will prioritized for consideration. The application form will
however remain open and applications can nonetheless be submitted
through March 25th, 2024.
For more information on the program including how to apply, and
links to projects of past Fellows, please see:
Questions about the program can be directed to fellows@iris-hep.org