The goal of these programs is to provide early stage students first hand experience with cutting-edge research in a range of departments, including Biology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and more. These summer research experiences for undergraduate’s (REU)’s are ten-week research-immersion internship programs at Rice University during the 2021 summer that provide research interns full-time financial support. Students need not have prior research experience to be considered for these summer research opportunities.
A detailed description of our Summer 2021 program offerings, as well as information about our application and deadlines, can be found below:
Bionetworks REU. Hosted by the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering (IBB), students in this REU will gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge research needed to predict and analyze biological functions sufficiently to understand complex biological phenomena, reprogram cells to perform new tasks, and prevent diseases. Students from a range of majors are encouraged to apply, including biology, bioengineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, ecology, environmental science, physics, computer science, statistics, or related engineering fields.
BioXFEL REU. Hosted by IBB, students in this REU will engage in hands-on research studying the structure, function and dynamics of protein molecules that make use of the new and powerful free electron X-ray laser facilities around the world. A trip to Stanford’s facility in the fall to present the students’ work at the annual users’ meeting is also planned. Willingness to work on a team and in molecular studies is required. Majors from biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, or related engineering fields are encouraged to apply.
Planetary Habitability REU. Students will explore the intersection of Earth science and life with the goal of understanding what makes a planet hospitable. Topics will include atmospheric sciences, oceanography, soil science, ecology, planetary science, plate tectonics, deep and early Earth processes, and volcanism. This program will include a 5 day field trip to the Western US. Competitive students will be interested in how the Earth works and be willing to travel. Majors from physics, chemistry, geology, environmental science, biology, computer science, or related engineering fields are welcome. |
We are now accepting student applications for Summer 2021 REU opportunities! Interested students should visit: to begin their application. Priority consideration will be given to students who apply by our priority deadline of February 15, though we will review all applications received by March 1.