Fellowships and Summer Research

Rice Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs):

The Department of Physics and Astronomy has funding available to support summer research experiences (typically 10 weeks) for some current Rice undergraduates.  This is a great way to get going on a research topic, and often SURF projects develop into senior theses. This funding is awarded competitively; every spring semester, there is an announcement about these opportunities, with an application date of March 1.  If you are interested in working with a particular faculty member, you work with that faculty member on a 1-page proposal describing the project, and submit that along with a cover page and an unofficial transcript, A panel of PHYS faculty members make the award decisions and students are notified by April.  

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs):

REUs are formal paid summer research experiences specifically for undergraduates that typically last 10 weeks.  While there are a couple of REU programs at Rice, these programs are a great way to broaden your experiences by doing research at another university. Many universities and departments have them or their equivalent, so do not limit your search for REUs to ones found on the NSF website (this is not an exhaustive list by any means, just a list of those specifically funded by the NSF). Undergraduates are encouraged to apply in their sophomore and junior years. Before applying, it is encouraged to write faculty members a brief email expressing interest and asking if they are accepting REU students for the summer, even if they are explicitly listed on the REU website. Reaching out to faculty members and discussing why you want to research with them in your application essays will demonstrate interest and increase your chances of acceptance. 

Goldwater Scholarship: 

The Goldwater Scholarship is an example of a prestigious national scholarship specifically for undergraduates who are currently conducting STEM research and intend to pursue a career in STEM research. Sophomore and juniors are strongly encouraged to apply. Every university is allowed to nominate four undergraduates whose applications will be reviewed by the national selection committee. The Rice University Center for Civic Leadership (CCL) runs the nomination process for Rice students. Rice’s internal deadline is in the fall and the national deadline (for the four students who are nominated) is in late January. More information is available on the CCL website. 

Other Summer Research Opportunities: