REU opportunities in neutrino physics at Virginia Tech. See attached flyer for more information.-Frank Geurts
Dear students,I hope you are all doing well. Our department is gearing up for the third year of our NSF REU program in neutrino physics. The program will run from late May through early August in 2021 (10 weeks; exact dates TBD).Please see the attached flier for more information. Please note that on-campus participation is subject to change depending on local COVID-19 protocols.The online application will open on December 1.If you have any questions about the program, email: reu@phys.vt.eduStay safe and healthy,Betty—
Betty J. WilkinsGraduate Program Coordinator, Dept. of Physics at Virginia TechChair, College of Science Staff Association (COSSA)(540) 231-8728