Columbia Engineering (incl. Applied Physics)

From Gabrielle Gannon
Director of Graduate Admissions
The Office of Graduate Student Affairs
The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Columbia University

Every year, the Columbia Engineering Road Show team travels the world visiting top universities and meeting with students face-to-face. While we can’t do that this year, we have planned a robust schedule of events and we were hoping you could help us in spreading the word. Please see the details below, and share the information with prospective graduate students who you feel would be qualified applicants to Columbia Engineering.

REU Program in Neutrino Physics (Virginia Tech)

Dear students,
I hope you are all doing well. Our department is gearing up for the fourth year of our NSF REU program in neutrino physics. The program will run from late May through early August in 2022 (10 weeks; exact dates TBD).
Please see the attached flier for more information. (This past summer, our program ran in person , but allowances were made for a few students to participate remotely.)
The online application will open on December 1.
If you have any questions about the program, email:
Stay safe and healthy,

Betty J. Wilkins
Graduate Program Coordinator, Dept. of Physics at Virginia Tech
(540) 231-8728


Flyer: VT REU 2022

TMC: Research internship to study how radiation interact with the immune system to combat cancer

Posting subject line

“Research internship to study how radiation interact with the immune system to combat cancer”



Gabriel O. Sawakuchi, PhD and Simona F. Shaitelman, MD



Radiation Physics (Sawakuchi) and Radiation Oncology (Shaitelman)



The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center



Several in-person research internship positions are available to start in January 2022. Positions are without compensation during the school year with the possibility of stipend through competitive research programs for summers. The duration of the internship is unlimited. Students are expected to spend at least 9 hours per week during the school year and at least part time during the summer. If student participates in paid research program during the summer, the student is expected to follow the rules of the program. During the internship students will become familiar with translational cancer research, molecular biology assays and radiation oncology. Students will perform focused tasks within larger projects including assessing: 1) DNA damage induced by different types of radiation: 2) the effect of different DNA repair inhibitors to sensitize cancer cells to radiation; and 3) molecular factors triggered by radiation that induce immune response.


Lab focus

Our research aims to use radiation in combination with DNA repair inhibitors to amplify the effect of immune checkpoint blockade to combat cancer. The findings from our lab are translated to clinical trials in cancer radiotherapy.



Students will learn techniques in molecular biology including clonogenic assay, flow cytometry, western blotting, immunohistochemistry, etc to investigate how radiation and DNA repair inhibitors modulate cell survival, cell cycle, DNA damage, DNA repair, and protein expression. We use cancer cell lines and tumor models in small animals in our projects.



Our lab is located at the Zayed Building (6565 MD Anderson Blvd) which is within 20 min walking distance from the Weiss School of Natural Sciences.


Environment/ Personnel

We are a multicultural and multidisciplinary lab with researchers with expertise in biology, radiobiology, physics, medical physics and radiation oncology. The lab is composed of one instructor, one research scientist, four postdoctoral fellows, two graduate students, two undergraduate students from Rice and two high-school students. Undergraduate students will work directly with a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow and also have the opportunity to mentor high-school students.


Student research philosophy

Our philosophy is teamwork. Our projects are all interconnected and require synchrony among all team members. Students joining our lab are expected to work as part of a team. New students will be trained to independently perform their assigned research tasks. Our lab personnel will also guide the students in the submission of abstracts to relevant scientific conferences and in the application to graduate and medical schools. We emphasize that classwork is the focus for our undergraduate students and therefore are flexible with time commitment, especially during midterms and finals. Undergraduate students are expected to perform well in their classwork.


To apply/Contact information

To apply please send an email to Gabriel O. Sawakuchi at and Simona F. Shaitelman at with a brief resume highlighting any relevant college or high school coursework and any previous experience in lab courses or research. No previous experience is required to apply. Please, visit our website to know more about our research:

Posters on the Hill 2022

Posters on the Hill 2022
from the Council on Undergraduate Research

Posters on the Hill 2022 is a virtual conference at which students can present their research to the public and their elected officials on Capitol Hill.

When: Spring 2022 (the precise dates for Posters on the Hill will be announced once the congressional agenda is released.)
Abstract submission deadline: December 13, 2021
For information and to submit your abstract:

Mark your calendars to ensure that you don’t miss out on an opportunity to represent Rice as you present your research! Rice is a member of CUR so that all Rice students are eligible to apply.

Goldwater Scholarship

Goldwater Information Session

The Goldwater Scholarship is intended for those planning to go to graduate school en route to a career in science. The scholarship pays up to $7,500 per year for up to two years (if you apply as a sophomore, one year if you apply as a junior).

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship supports undergraduates in becoming highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to students interested in those fields. If you are strongly considering graduate work and research these areas, please join the Center for Civic Leadership for an information session on Tuesday, October 19th at 12pm on Zoom. Funding is available for sophomores and juniors.

Zoom session link:

Getting Involved in PHYA Undergraduate Research – with COOKIES! TODAY

EVENT:  How To Get Involved in Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Research

DATE/TIME:  Thursday, October 14, 2021        4:15pm-6pm

LOCATION:  101 Brockman Hall for Physics

There will be cookies!

If you are interested in learning more about undergraduate research opportunities in Physics and Astronomy, please come by BRK 101, have a cookie or two, and chat with PHYA faculty, with posters talking about their groups’ research projects.

This is an easy way to break the ice  and get a sense of the breadth of the science available for your  participation.

We hope to see you there!

CRESST II and NASA Undergraduate Interaction Day

Hello Rice Undergraduate Students,
CRESST II would like to invite you to attend this year’s virtual CRESST II and NASA Undergrad Interaction Day on Friday, October 29th from 12:30 – 4:00 pm ET.
What is the CRESST II and NASA Undergrad Interaction Day?
This event gives undergraduate students a unique look at the research happening at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) presented by GSFC leadership and current NASA scientists and discusses how undergraduate students can collaborate with NASA scientists on these amazing research projects through the NASA/CRESST II summer internship program.
What to Expect.
The first hour of the event will include overview presentations from NASA leadership about the work happening in the GSFC Sciences and Exploration Directorate. The next two hours will be divided into four 30-minute sessions where smaller groups of students will attend presentations led by a pair of NASA scientists. The event will conclude with an 30-minute optional virtual live lab tour where a NASA scientist will demonstrate instruments in a working GSFC lab.
A list of the scientists in each group, their expertise, and presentation topic along with the description of the lab tours can be found in the attached “Scientist and Lab List – CRESST II Undergrad Interaction Day” document.
Want to Attend? Register!
If you are interested in attending, register for the event by completing the Google Form. The deadline to register for the event is 11:59 pm ET on Monday, October 18th.  As students affiliated with a CRESST II university, you are receiving priority registration so make sure to register as soon as possible as spaces are limited. Shortly after the deadline, we will contact everyone with additional information.
Any questions about the event can be directed to the CRESST II Program Associate, Katherine McKee (
Undergrad Interaction Day Planning Committee
Lee Cheyne, Tracy Huard, Carolyn Wilson, Lynette Queen, Casey Chalmers, and Katie McKee

LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science (deadline: Dec.13, 2021)

From the website (for more information see

The Lunar and Planetary Institute invites undergraduates with at least 50 semester hours of credit to experience cutting-edge research in the lunar and planetary sciences. Students with majors in a physical or natural science, engineering, computer science, or mathematics are preferred, but all eligible students will be considered.

The 10-week program runs from June 6–August 12, 2022. Summer interns will work one-on-one with a scientist from the LPI or the NASA Johnson Space Center on a research project. Interns are selected by the project advisors who look for academic excellence and scientific interest and backgrounds compatible with their specific project needs.

Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 internship program may be held in person, virtually, or as a combination of those formats. Selected participants will be notified in March 2022 of the internship format. Interns participating in person will be located either at the Lunar and Planetary Institute or the NASA Johnson Space Center, both in Houston, Texas.