Flyer: 2023-BMP-flyer_v1The Stanford Biomedical Physics (BMP) PhD Program is now accepting applications!
The BMP Program is a PhD training program hosted by the Departments of Radiology and Radiation Oncology within the Stanford University School of Medicine. The objective of the PhD in BMP is to train students in research focused on technology translatable to clinical medicine, including radiation therapy, image-guided therapy, diagnostic, interventional, and molecular imaging, and disease detection and characterization with molecular diagnostics.Thanks to the efforts of faculty in these departments and the support of department chairs Dr. Quynh Le and the late Dr. Sam Gambhir, we created the BMP program in 2021 to train doctoral students within the world-class research environment at Stanford.In fall 2023 we are soliciting applications for our third class of incoming students. The deadline for new applicants isDecember 1, 2023. Admitted students will begin their doctoral studies in fall 2024 taking courses spanning traditional and emerging topics in medical physics as well as performing original research under the mentorship of experts in this evolving discipline. This is the first PhD program at Stanford housed in clinical departments and students will be immersed in a unique translational environment at the intersection of basic and clinical science.We hope this program will be of interest to your university, we have attached a flyer with a summary of the program for you to share with your students. We are looking for talented and motivated students completing or having completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering or physical science. We believe you have many qualified and potentially interested students at your institution and would appreciate your help in spreading the word about Stanford BMP.For more information about the BMP PhD Program visit our website ( you have additional questions or would like to contact us directly to learn more, please contact us via email at you for taking the time to read this email, we look forward to having your students join our incoming Class of 2024!Sincerely,Drs. Ennis, Graves, Pitteri, and SpielmanBMP Program Directors
Monthly Archives: October 2023
Graduate Programs Virtual Open House: University of Maryland Biophysics & Chemical Physics
[see attached flyer … ]We invite your senior undergraduate students to join us for a Virtual Open House on Tuesday, October 31 from 12 – 2 pm to learn more about our PhD programs.
The Biophysics and Chemical Physics graduate programs at the University of Maryland are unique in that they bring together renowned faculty members doing cutting-edge research at the intersections of numerous disciplines, including Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. The programs have partnerships and connections with several nearby national laboratories, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Our curriculum is flexible and tailored to each student’s background and research interests. We encourage applications from students with diverse scientific and engineering backgrounds and an enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research. The application deadline is Friday, January 5, 2024 with Friday, December 15, 2023 being the preferred application deadline to be considered for fellowship nominations.[…]
Physics and Astro PhD Programs at University of Oklahoma
Dear Prospective Ph.D. Student,
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Oklahoma is seeking highly qualified and motivated applicants for our Physics or Astrophysics PhD graduate program, who are interested in experiment or theory in four broad areas of study:
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
High Energy Physics
Engineering Physics
Our department is home to the newly established Center for Quantum Research and Technology located in the newly constructed Lin Hall, which contains 18,000 sq. ft. of world class research space for experimental AMO and Condensed Matter Physics that meets NIST-A requirements for vibration, temperature, and humidity. We also have institutional access to the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m telescope located in Sunspot, NM.
Information on our graduate program and research projects can be found at:
• Applicants with the US equivalent of a BS in Physics, Astronomy, or in a closely related field are encouraged to apply.
• We do NOT require the general or physics GRE exam scores.
• TOEFL/IELTS scores are generally required from international applicants for whom English is their second language. (See link to FAQ below)
Our application deadline is January 15. Late applicants run the risk that we may have filled the entire program slots for this year.
Application Fee:
There is NO FEE to apply to our program, if applicants send their materials directly to the department
How do I apply:
Follow the instructions at:
If you choose the NO FEE (Free) application process (“option 2”), please send all application materials by email to:
For more information, see our FAQ, in the lower portion of the application page.
Should you have any questions concerning our department, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
If you have questions regarding specific areas of study, please contact the representative in the respective areas:
Astrophysics: Prof. Xinyu Dai <>, <>
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Prof. Robert Lewis-Swan <>
Condensed Matter Physics: Prof. Alisa Javadi <<>>
High Energy Physics: Prof. Chung Kao <<>>
Engineering Physics: Prof. Mike Santos <<>>
UG Research Opportunities in Dr. Everitt’s group
For a range of AMO/Condensed matter UG research opportunities in Dr. Everitt’s group (, see: EverittProjects