Please find below some interesting graduate school opportunities …
From: Nair, Preethi
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:21 PM
To: Stephen.Bradshaw
Subject: Open Graduate Positions at UA Physics and Astronomy
Dear Prof. Bradshaw,
I hope all is well. I am writing to you on behalf of the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Alabama. As part of a rapidly expanding department, now ranked #34 in research budget and grants by the American Institute of Physics’ GradSchoolShopper, we have an exciting array of graduate positions available which we would like to share with your undergraduate students. If you would be kind enough to forward our information to any students interested in graduate opportunities, we would be happy to provide them with further information, feedback, and guidance in their application process.
Please click here to view/download our program brochure. In addition, a list of actively recruiting faculty is listed below. Please note that this list is meant to be a sample: Research groups not shown here are always interested in new students and we encourage students to contact them as well for more information.
We do not require a student to have a group or subfield in mind when applying and encourage all prospective students to apply. If students are interested in our program but unsure of their direction yet, they are welcome to contact me for help at, or find information for applying at
We do not require GRE or PGRE scores for Fall 2021 admission.
For students interested in finding out more about UA’s graduate program, we will be holding a Q&A session on November 11th at Noon US central and another Q&A session on November 20th at Noon US central. Students are asked to register at the following site.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Dr. Preethi Nair
Associate Professor, Grad Recruiting Director
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
The University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487
Off: 205-348-3770
Claudia Mewes (Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics) and Tim Mewes (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics) are recruiting students for fundamental and applied research projects in the area of magnetism, including high frequency applications, spinlogic and spintronic devices, and topological excitations. More information can be found at
Wang-Kong Tse, Theoretical Condensed Matter: Dr. Tse is looking for graduate students for research projects in studying non-equilibrium many-body physics, transport and light-matter interaction effects of novel quantum materials including low-dimensional systems and topological matters. Email: Homepage:
Georg Schwiete, Theoretical Condensed Matter. Dr. Schwiete is looking for graduate students who are interested in working on problems related to transport and dynamics in quantum many-body systems using field-theoretic methods. This may include, for example, quantum transport in low-dimensional systems, aspects of quantum criticality, unconventional superconductivity, or spintronics research. Email:
Conor Henderson, Paolo Rumerio and Sergei Gleyzer, Experimental High-Energy Physics: Drs. Henderson, Rumerio and Gleyzer are recruiting students to collaborate on the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, where they are using advanced analysis techniques, including machine learning, to search for evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model Email:, and
Igor Ostrovskiy, Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics: Dr. Ostrovskiy is looking to recruit students to work on 1) Neutrinoless double beta decay with the EXO-200/nEXO experiments and 2) Magnetic monopoles at the Large Hadron Collider and in space. E-mail:
Matthias Kaminski, Theoretical Particle Physics and String Theory: Dr. Kaminski is looking to recruit students to study (1) String theory models for heavy ion collisions via the holographic principle (AdS/CFT correspondence), (2) Systematic construction of quantum fluid dynamics far from equilibrium, and (3) Condensed matter applications of the holographic principle. Email: Homepage:
Faculty in other areas including astronomy, astroparticle physics and experimental particle physics are also recruiting students.
NSF funded scholarships for Physics graduates are available to produce certified science teachers. The scholarship pays up to $17,100/Year to complete a fast track one-year Teacher Certification MA Program. In addition, graduates of the program are guaranteed a teaching position in a local school system with a $10,500 salary supplement for four years above the regular MA teacher level salary. Contact: Dennis Sunal or Rainer Schad
Dr. Preethi Nair
Associate Professor, Grad Recruiting Director
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
The University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487
Off: 205-348-3770