Undergraduate Publication: Rice Catalyst General Retreat

Writer/Editor/Designer Opportunities with Rice Catalyst

Have you ever thought about publishing with or designing for an undergraduate STEM journal? If such a thought has ever popped into your mind, then Rice Catalyst is for you!

We are Rice Catalyst, Rice University’s undergraduate STEM journal, and we would love to work with you! Regardless of whether you are a returning member or a prospective member, please come to the Rice Catalyst General Retreat on Friday, September 22nd from 5:30-6:30 pm in Keck 100. We will have catering from Velvet Taco, and you will not want to miss it! Attendees will learn about specific writing, editing, and design opportunities with Catalyst, and this meeting is mandatory for all interested members to sign up with sections they are interested in working with. 

Please RSVP to our event here to make sure we have enough food for everybody: https://forms.gle/xdNmJ2oLCpcbMb5n9

You do not need any prior experience to get started in a role you are interested in, as our experienced student leaders will help you produce a publication-ready product by the end of the school year!

Rice Catalyst’s mission is to provide a platform to showcase student perspectives in STEM-related subjects, as well as fostering scientific dialogue both on- and off-campus through our annual publication. You can learn more about our organization on our website, and you can also view previous issues of our publication here. We accept members from any major as long as your proposed topic is STEM-related.

Find our event on OwlNesthttps://owlnest.rice.edu/event/9328987

Follow us on Instagram: @rice.catalyst

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to ricecatalyst@gmail.com.

IRIS-HEP: Call for applications for the Undergraduate Fellows program – Summer 2023

** Please circulate this announcement to any undergraduates **
**         that might be interested in the program          **

We are pleased to announce that applications for the IRIS-HEP
undergraduate Fellows program in Summer 2023 are now open. The
deadline for applications is Sunday, 16 April, 2023 (end of the
day, any time zone).

People are the key to successful software. IRIS-HEP aims to promote
the development of advanced research software skills by providing
opportunities for undergraduate students to connect with mentors
within the larger High Energy Physics (HEP) and Computational/Data
Science community. At the same time, we aim to promote software as
a collaborative activity and encourage collaborations which engage
individuals in ways that maximize their potential and their potential
impact on the community.

To accomplish these goals, IRIS-HEP has created a Fellows program.
IRIS-HEP Fellows will spend some number of months working with a
mentor to build their skills while working on a research software
project relevant to the Institute.

Who should apply to the Fellows program? – Are you reasonably
comfortable with basic programming through skills acquired (for
example) from coursework or dedicated training activities? Are you
interested in building on those skills to gain experience through
contributions to cutting edge open source research software projects?
Then the IRIS-HEP Fellows program could be for you. Prior physics
knowledge is helpful, but not required. We will also offer dedicated
training activities to help you improve specific software skills.
Applications from women and members of underrepresented groups in
STEM activities are particularly encouraged.

Fellows will receive a training stipend as part of their participation.

For more information on the program including how to apply, please
see: https://iris-hep.org/fellows.html

Questions about the program can be directed to fellows@iris-hep.org

Peter Elmer     E-mail: Peter.Elmer@cern.ch      Phone: +41 (22) 767-4644
Address: CERN EP-UCM, Bldg. 32 2-C14      CH-1211  Geneva 23, Switzerland

DOE’s Office of Science Is Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2023 Undergraduate Intern and Visiting Faculty Placements

Updated: DOE’s Office of Science Is Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2023 Undergraduate Internships and Visiting Faculty Program

2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships for Physics and Astronomy Majors

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships for Physics and Astronomy Majors

including the Thomas A. Trombello Award, the Harold E. Rorschach Memorial Scholarship, and the G.C. Phillips Memorial Scholarship for work in the T.W.Bonner Nuclear Laboratory

Award will be $5,800 for a nominal 10-week period
Application Due Date: Friday, April 7, 2023

Application materials include:

  1. a cover page listing:
    1. proposal title
    2. your name
    3. your email address
    4. your research advisor
    5. your academic year (freshman, sophomore, junior)
    6. length of time you have worked with the advisor if any
    7. if you are currently a junior: whether you plan to continue this research for a senior thesis
  2. a one-page summary outlining the proposed research experience, prepared in consultation with your proposed P&A faculty mentor, including a general overview accessible to a non-specialist, a description of the specific topic you will study and how it connects to the big picture, a description of what you will be doing, and a discussion of what you hope to learn.
  3. an unofficial transcript

E-mail all materials to prof. Geurts (geurts at rice.edu)


Quantum Computing Internship for Physics Undergraduates Program (QCIPU) – deadline March 15, 2023

Program Description

Undergraduate students majoring in physics and who are interested in quantum computing for the simulation of physics are invited to apply. In this three-week online-only program, participants will gain hands-on experience programming for existing quantum computers using Python and Qiskit. This will be supplemented by daily lectures on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and quantum computing. The program will culminate in participants running their own code on an IBM quantum computer.

This program aims to increase the representation of underrepresented groups (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Alaska Native/American Indian) and women in scientific research and the engineering workforce.

QCIPU Program Flyer


  • Enrollment in a U.S. college or university in Physics
  • Completed year of introductory level Physics course
  • Eligible to work in the United States

Application Procedure

Before you apply, please have all your requirements ready. Once you submit the application you will no longer have access and will not be able to upload any missing requirements.
  • Resume
  • Unofficial transcript
  • A short statement of interest in the topic (Two paragraphs is sufficient, no more than a page)

Internship Details

  • Application Period: Dec 9, 2022- March 15, 2023
  • Program Dates: June 5 – June 23, 2023
  • Acceptance Date: April 3, 2023
  • Salary: $20/hr.
  • Airfare/Housing/Transportation: Airfare, Housing and Transportation to/from airport will be paid by the program.
  • QCIPU interns will be working onsite for the Summer of 2023.

Program Outcomes

  • Basic Proficiency with Python and Qiskit through development of personal code base
  • Opportunity for a paid year-long internship at Fermilab researching quantum computing.
source:  https://internships.fnal.gov/quantum-computing-internship-for-physics-undergraduates-program

REU opportunity at Louisiana State University

CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences

The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) will host a ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. Each student receives a stipend of $6,000, free housing in university dormitories, and up to $600 in travel expenses to and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Ten students will be selected.

Undergraduate, community college student, or high school senior attending college in the fall, interested in a major that is within the computational sciences umbrella (leaves out few majors as it includes all sciences, mathematics, engineering, finance, statistics, etc.) with at least a 2.75 GPA, considering a career in research and/or graduate school in your major, being a US citizen or permanent resident, and graduating at least one semester after completion of the REU.

Important Dates:
March 4, 2023: Application deadline.
March 30, 2023: Notification of decision.
May 22, 2023 through July 29, 2023: Program dates.

The research activities of the CCT are organized into five Focus Areas: Core Computing Sciences, Coast to Cosmos, Material World, Cultural Computing, and System Science and Engineering. These are broad, and sometimes overlapping areas where faculty from diverse departments (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Civil Engineering, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computing Engineering, Music, Business, etc.) collaborate in multidisciplinary projects. Our REU students learn how to use some of the nation’s largest supercomputers, may participate in the setup and management of large-scale simulations, and may take on an important role in the analysis and visualization of the simulation results.

For more information and to apply, visit: https://reu.cct.lsu.edu/

The LSU Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT, is an innovative research environment, advancing computational sciences, technologies and the disciplines they touch. Researchers at CCT use the advanced cyberinfrastructure – high-speed networks, high-performance computing, advanced data storage and analysis and hardware and software development – available on campus to enable research in many different fields. By uniting researchers from diverse disciplines, ideas and expertise are disseminated across LSU departments to foster knowledge and invention. For more information on the CCT, visit: http://www.cct.lsu.edu.

Teach For America (deadlines: Feb.10 and Feb.23)

Seniors and Graduate Students: Are you looking for an impact-driven career?

By joining Teach For America, you will become part of a majority-BIPOC network of leaders shaping our country’s political, economic, and social future. 

  • Want to explore if this is right for you and check out some of the inspiring ways Teach For America alumni are disrupting inequity across education, business, policy, law, medicine, and more? Grab coffee with your Rice representative, Mackenzie Heriford, here.
  • Want to explore the application? Submit your 2-hour application to the 2023 corps by our final deadline on Friday, February 10th.
  • All majors accepted. Full salary and benefits + $5k-$10k stipend + up to $12k Americorps grant.


Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmxn: Are you looking for an impactful job this summer?

  • Consider applying to Teach For America’ partner program: The Breakthrough Collaborative. Breakthrough is an 8-9 week long paid summer fellowship ($1350 – $4500) and is open to all majors. You’ll teach middle schoolers academic content & leadership skills. Choose from our 24 sites across the country  here. Submit your application by Thursday, February 23rd.
  • Want to learn more about the fellowship, attend our Breakthrough Info-Session.
  • Explore the above opportunities and more by visiting the linktree for Julie Gunderson, your early opportunities representative.


Julie Gunderson she/her/hers

Director of Early Engagement


Denver, CO


NSF A3D3 Postbaccalaureate Research Fellow Program 2023-24

The Accelerated AI Algorithms for Data-Driven Discovery (A3D3) Institute funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), under the Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) program, is seeking postbaccalaureate research fellows  to join our interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers to develop and deploy artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate science discoveries in particle physics, astrophysics, biology, and neuroscience. The application deadline is March 3, 2023. Applications will be handled through Academic Jobs Online: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22854
This program seeks to give students holding a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking AI research prior to applying to graduate school or continuing their careers. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of a holistic rubric including categories for academic preparation, research potential, social justice and community involvement, alignment with the program, and potential benefit from the program (e.g., lack of prior access to research opportunities). There is no minimum GPA requirement and no prior research experience is required. We strongly encourage women and individuals from traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM to apply.
The appointment is for a one-year term with a nominal start date of June 5, 2023. This is a full-time, salaried position with benefits. Postbac fellows will be assigned to one of the projects listed at https://a3d3.ai/jobs.html at one of the hosting institutions based on preferences and availability. Postbac fellows will also have access to professional development opportunities including career guidance and graduate school preparation. 
A3D3 is a multi-disciplinary and geographically distributed entity with the primary mission to lead a paradigm shift in the application of real-time artificial intelligence (AI) at scale to advance scientific knowledge and accelerate discovery.


If you have questions about this program please contact a3d3-equity-career@googlegroups.com

Virtual Career Fair for internships and fellowships with DoD | Jan 18 12-3pm

Join the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) on Jan. 18, 2023, from 12 to 3 p.m. ET for a virtual career fair highlighting STEM internship and fellowship opportunities for college students and postgraduates at U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) research facilities around the country!

NOTE: Most ORISE opportunities with the DoD require U.S. citizenship or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status. To see a full list of opportunities, click here.

During the fair, attendees will have the chance to:

  • Explore paid internships and fellowships with DoD research facilities
  • Learn about DoD host facilities that host ORISE participants
  • Connect with ORISE program staff in 1-on-1 chats

Keynote Presentation: Dr. Victor Convertino, senior scientist with the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research, will give a live presentation at the event. His talk is scheduled to begin at 12:15 p.m. ET. Please find his bio attached.


For more ORISE virtual career fairs, check out our website.

If you have any questions, please contact ExperienceORISE@orau.org.

The Experience ORISE Team