Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Attn: Rice University Undergraduate Studies

The Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science is pleased to announce its 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program.

Students will work on individual research projects with Cornell faculty and research staff on a wide range of topics in planetary science, solar system exploration, astrobiology, exoplanets, radio, infrared, and submillimeter astronomy, and related theoretical topics as well as astronomical instrumentation. In addition to their research, students will participate in a series of group activities including lectures, roundtables, workshops and one or two field trips.

For each participant, a stipend of $7,000 will be provided for the ten-week session, plus $1,250 for housing and meals and up to $800 for travel to and from Ithaca. The program will also provide up to $1,000 to travel to present results at a professional meeting, observe or other research-related activities. Tentative program dates, to be confirmed by February 28, 2025, are Monday, June 2, 2025, to Friday, August 8, 2025. In case of conflict with a student’s academic schedules, dates may be adjusted if approved by the student’s mentor.

To be eligible, undergraduate students must be US citizens or permanent residents. Eligible candidates must have completed at least one year of undergraduate academic training by June 2025 and will graduate at or after the end of the 2025 fall semester or quarter at their school.

Astronomy, astrophysics, planetary science, physics, geophysics, computer science and engineering students are encouraged to apply.

REU projects offer an opportunity to explore the nation’s diverse student talent pool and broaden participation in science and engineering. Women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities, veterans and other non-traditional students are encouraged to apply.

Learn about the program

Download a poster for display

Fill out an application

Completed applications AND all supporting materials must be received by Monday, February 3, 2025, at 5 pm EST.

The Cornell University 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Astrophysics and Planetary Science is funded by NSF Award AST-2244064.

Cornell University is an equal opportunity employer.

Opportunities for Undergraduates: 2025 Summer Programs at Michigan State University

Flyer:  MSU REU Physics 2025

Nuclear Science Summer School (NS3) at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

Michigan State University is pleased to announce that it will host the 9th Nuclear Science Summer School (NS3) from May 11 to May 17, 2025. This program is specifically designed for undergraduate students and aims to provide participants with an introduction to the fields of nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics. The NS3 will include a series of lectures and activities covering selected topics in nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics, offering a comprehensive overview of the field. The sessions will be conducted in person and led by esteemed researchers based at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). This initiative is funded by the National Science Foundation. The application deadline for NS3 is February 21, 2025. For additional information about NS3 and the application process, please visit  If you have any inquiries, you may contact the NS3 organizers at

Physics REU

The MSU 2025 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Physics is scheduled to take place from May 27th to August 1st . The application deadline is February 7, 2025. For detailed information regarding the application process and program specifics, please direct students to our website: Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out via email at .

Thank you so much for helping to spread this information! We really appreciate your support!


Remco Zegers, for the NS3 Organizing Committee

Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

Michigan State University

640 South Shaw Lane

East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

Tel. 517-908-7473



Flyer:  MSU REU Physics 2025

Reminder: Applications due Monday: Science in a Flash – Share Your Research in 20 Slides!

Applications due Monday: Science in a Flash — Share Your Research in 20 Slides! 

Get ready to take the stage at Science in a Flash, a fast-paced lightning talk competition where School of Natural Sciences undergraduate students showcase their research or experiential learning in just 20 slides, with only 20 seconds per slide. Each participant will have 20 slides, with 20 seconds per auto-advancing slide, to present their work.

Preliminary Rounds:

The competition will take place over multiple preliminary rounds, with one presenter from each day moving on to go head-to-head in a final competition for a chance to win cash prizes and earn the title of Science in a Flash Champion. Students can apply individually or in teams of up to three. For group entries, cash prizes will be split.


Students must be completing or intending to complete a major or minor in the School of Natural Sciences to apply. Presentations on both on-campus and off-campus experiential learning, including course-based research, are welcome.

How to Apply: 

Submit the following via this application form:

  1. 60-Second Video: Tell us about your topic and why it excites you. This is your chance to showcase your passion and give us a preview of your presentation style. Record the video on your phone or computer, save it as a .mp4 file, and name it: FirstNameLastName_IntroVideo.mp4. Include a link to view or download your video in the application.
  2. Short Description (max 250 words): Describe how you plan to align your talk with the fast-paced. Highlight any creative approaches or strategies you’ll use to engage the audience and make your presentation stand out.

Application Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Visit for additional details

NOIRLab REU Program in Chile for Summer 2025

From: Nicole Auza <>
Subject: First announcement: NOIRLab REU Program in Chile for Summer 2025
Date: July 9, 2024 at 11:50:46 AM CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear Colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the NOIRLab Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at our site in La Serena, Chile. Building on the success of the former NOAO REU program, this initiative will commence in the 2025 Chilean summer (January – March).

This unique program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to:

  • Work closely with a NOIRLab research mentor on an exciting research topic.

  • Experience professional astronomy observing firsthand.

In addition, the program includes:

  • An introduction to coding in Python for astronomy.

  • A comprehensive professional development program.
  • Chile-specific astronomy-related enrichment activities designed to enhance understanding and appreciation of the local and cultural context in which astronomy operates.

Participants will gain hands-on experience with the cutting-edge techniques of modern astrophysics while developing critical thinking, data analysis, teamwork, science communication, and other professional skills applicable to a wide array of careers in STEM. Students will be based in La Serena and will receive a stipend and housing on the NOIRLab campus.

Application Deadline: 23 September 2024

For further details and to apply, please visit our website: 

We encourage interested students who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or U.S. permanent residents to apply. Should you have any questions about the program, please contact Joan Najita ( and Guillermo Damke (

Please share this exciting opportunity with your networks and encourage eligible students to apply!

Best regards,

REU organizing team

University of Toledo Physics & Astronomy NSF-REU 2024 Summer Program Info

The 2024 UTOLEDO NSF-REU summer program in Physics and Astronomy is scheduled to run this summer. […]. Attached is a flyer that gives some of the details about our summer program such as $7K stipends, on-campus housing, the areas of research, and how to apply to the program. Students can also visit the following URL to find out more information concerning the REU program:
Students in STEM are encouraged to apply. Applications deadline is April 29, 2024. The program will run for 10 weeks beginning May 27, 2024.  Please do not hesitate to contact me, Dr. Rick Irving, via email address: or by phone: 419-530-2241, if you have any questions about the program.

IRIS-HEP: Call for applications for the Undergraduate Fellows program – Summer 2024

We are pleased to announce that applications for the IRIS-HEP
undergraduate Fellows program in Summer 2024 are now open. Selected
IRIS-HEP Fellows will spend several months working with a mentor to
build their skills while working on a research software project relevant
to the Institute.

Who should apply to the Fellows program? – Are you reasonably
comfortable with basic programming through skills acquired (for
example) from coursework or dedicated training activities? Are you
interested in building on those skills to gain experience through
contributions to cutting edge open source research software projects?
Then the IRIS-HEP Fellows program could be for you. Prior physics
knowledge is helpful, but not required. We will also offer dedicated
training activities to help you improve specific software skills.
Applications from women and members of underrepresented groups in
STEM activities are particularly encouraged.

Fellows will receive a training stipend as part of their participation.

This year’s program is open to students associated to US universities,
students of Ukrainian origin and students from Vilnius University.

Applications submitted before Monday, 11 March, 2024 (end of the day, any
time zone) will prioritized for consideration. The application form will
however remain open and applications can nonetheless be submitted
through March 25th, 2024.

For more information on the program including how to apply, and
links to projects of past Fellows, please see:

Questions about the program can be directed to


REU opportunity at Louisiana State University

CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences

The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) will host a ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. Each student receives a stipend of $7,000, free housing in university dormitories, and up to $600 in travel expenses to and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Ten students will be selected.

Undergraduate, community college student, or high school senior attending college in the fall, interested in a major that is within the computational sciences umbrella (leaves out few majors as it includes all sciences, mathematics, engineering, finance, statistics, etc.) with at least a 2.75 GPA, considering a career in research and/or graduate school in your major, being a US citizen or permanent resident, and graduating at least one semester after completion of the REU.

Important Dates:
March 1, 2024: Application deadline.
April 1, 2024: Notification of decision.
May 27, 2024 through August 3, 2024: Program dates.

The research activities of the CCT are organized into five Focus Areas: Core Computing Sciences, Coast to Cosmos, Material World, Cultural Computing, and System Science and Engineering. These are broad, and sometimes overlapping areas where faculty from diverse departments (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Civil Engineering, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computing Engineering, Music, Business, etc.) collaborate in multidisciplinary projects. Our REU students learn how to use some of the nation’s largest supercomputers, may participate in the setup and management of large-scale simulations, and may take on an important role in the analysis and visualization of the simulation results.

For more information and to apply, visit:

The LSU Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT, is an innovative research environment, advancing computational sciences, technologies and the disciplines they touch. Researchers at CCT use the advanced cyberinfrastructure – high-speed networks, high-performance computing, advanced data storage and analysis and hardware and software development – available on campus to enable research in many different fields. By uniting researchers from diverse disciplines, ideas and expertise are disseminated across LSU departments to foster knowledge and invention. For more information on the CCT, visit:

MSU Physics REU Program

Dear colleagues,

Hello from Michigan State : ) It would be very much appreciated if you forwarded the attached flyer to your undergrad students, or posted it on your department bulletin board. The MSU 2024 REU Physics Program will run from May 28th to Aug 2nd; due date for applications is February 2nd. For more information, please direct your students to our website:

Thank you,
Stuart Tessmer
Associate Chair for the
Undergraduate Program
Associate Professor of Physics 

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Michigan State University
567 Wilson Road, Rm 1312
East Lansing, MI 48824